Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Leopard Vomit and H to the M

I need to learn how to walk in god damn heels. Its pretty pathetic. I got these heels that I guess I will post them tomorrow. I guess. There very cute. I shall show them tomorrow. The whole point of this week was to get this blazer I wanted. But turns out Torrid only had a 4 and I need like a 2. So I was pretty blown. I guess everyone had the same idea I had. So blown. I was going to wear that on the plane home. Fuck man. I need to figure out a nice outfit for that. Still have not figured it out yet. I felt that my new shirts from H&M would look good with a pinched blazer. But of course now I have to regroup. Which is fine. I don't think I want to wear something clingy on a 8 hour flight back to California.
This outfit was fun. Very relaxed and very 90's to me. I love leopard. Looks great. I would not care if I was like 100,000 pounds, I love leopard. This leopard fits just like Spanx. Smooth the shit out my fat. Put it in the right places and fools people.

So on the bottom is another video. Explaining my weekend with my besties. We had a really cool and deep conversation about...things. About my beloved movie of all movies. What ever you would like to call it. Bored at work right now? Check it out. Came to a very interesting conclusion to the whole madness that is.....umm......yeah. Just watch it. Sorry for the still frame. Eww. But I like Vimeo better then youtube. More personal. Personal opinion.

Conversations Between Twihards from Tiamoya Mcneely on Vimeo.

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